Big Data
Build Scalable & Secured Applications to Drive Your Business with Big Data for Improving Revenues & Lowering Costs.
Cloud Solutions
We Build Cloud Software Products architected for Scalability, High Performance and Growth.
High-volume, Business-rules-driven, Repeatable process qualifies for Automation.
Defining Value Delivery to Empowering Business through people.
We offer multiple courses across various disciplines and curated by industry experts.

Our Major Business Sectors
We Provide Personalized Banking Solutions To Customers.
Big data analytics can aid banks in understanding customer behavior based on the inputs received from their investment patterns, shopping trends, motivation to invest and personal or financial backgrounds

UiPath Cloud Platform
The UiPath Cloud Platform offers the full capabilities of UiPath's on-premises software and gives organizations a fast-start to their RPA journey. The cloud platform makes it easy for companies of all sizes to implement automation into their operations without the hassle or added costs of IT infrastructure

Rapid increasing of popularity
Robotic Process Automation and E2E test concept is a great thing to Automate daily tedious Manual testing tasks which are repetitive,time-consuming and rules-based. We use software robots or Artificial Intelligence (AI) and applied across different industries
Our Services
VVR has an impressive product portfolio and is focused on innovative products in the area of Enterprise software with the best in class technology leveraging the high end expertise in cloud & analytics computing. VVR offers end to end software solutions & IT consultancy to various organisations for optimisation of business processes & growth


E2E Testing services

Training Services
We are Currently giving training on few reputed courses which helps you to get into your new job quickly

Staff Augmentation

Our Experience in Business and Technical Solutions
VVR offers an in-depth experience in business and technical solutions in cloud and Bigdata technologies for major various sectors like financial, airlines and Insurance etc
Number speaks louder than words

A Satisfied customer is the Best business strats